Yes, feeling better is possible!

Let’s uncover your unique blueprint to Gut Health.


I’m Silvana Schulz-Brown

As a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach specializing in Gut Health, I am here to help you uncover the root causes of your digestive discomfort so that you can better manage your chronic health conditions, support healthy brain function, increase your energy and, finally, feel confident in making the right food choices for your unique body!


I know where you are

My health story


I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (an autoimmune disorder) at the age of 21, but I had been dealing with significant health issues long before that. It felt like I was constantly under medical care in my early life, always managing symptoms with pharmaceuticals and undergoing various surgical procedures while never really finding a root cause or experiencing lasting healing. It felt like my healthcare team and I were missing a piece of the puzzle. 

Prior to my Hashimoto’s diagnosis, as a teenager, I developed a fascination with the way nutrients could impact our health, so upon receiving my diagnosis I decided to dive into the research on how the foods I ate might be affecting my autoimmune issues. (Spoiler: they were having a big impact!) I spent the next decade doubling down on my healing: devouring every thyroid health book I could find, working with nutritionists to figure out my unique nutritional needs, cooking all of my meals from scratch from wholesome ingredients, evaluating my household and skincare products for toxicity, and spending as much time as possible in nature.

In 2020, I made the choice to leave my corporate job to fulfill my longtime dream of studying at the world-renowned nutrition school, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). Not only did I graduate as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, but I also took IIN’s specialty course in Gut Health so I could have the most comprehensive, science-backed education on how to use food and nutrition to address the root causes of chronic disease. 

Today, I am fortunate to be able to commit all of my time and energy to this passion and I genuinely want to share my knowledge and experience with people like you, on the same journey I was on. Helping people regain health is my calling and life’s purpose, and supporting you to become your healthiest and happiest self through personalized nutrition support is my dream come true!

My life and health today…

I will most likely always have Hashimoto’s, but it doesn’t rule my life anymore. I have learned to manage it so that it doesn’t manage me! That’s not to say I’m doing this on my own – I have medical and functional doctors in my corner, an acupuncturist and other healthcare professionals that form my healthcare team. But I am the expert on what works and doesn’t work for my body

I know through functional testing and elimination diets which foods heal and which ones harm me. I ain’t perfect, but perfection ain’t the goal! Life is unpredictable and I choose to keep guilt and self-hate off my plate!

If you’re ready to become an expert on your own body, I’m here to give you the tools. Let’s set up a discovery call.

My Background

Training and Certifications


Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

  • Gut health specialty course

Movement Principles and Mat 1 Pilates Instructor Training Certificate
Balanced Body

Personal training diploma
Premier Global (UK)

25 years of self-education in nutrition to address my personal autoimmune and digestive health struggles


My approach

You may have heard the saying “You are what you eat.” Well, that isn’t entirely true. “You are what you absorb” is more accurate. Our gut has the power to influence the health of every other system in our body. But if our gut bacteria is out of whack, even the most nutrient-dense diet won’t do a darn thing! 

Working with me means learning to take small, achievable steps to improve the function of your digestive tract so that your healthy diet gets absorbed and your overall health improves.

But let’s get one thing straight: I’m not here to tell you what to do. (Who wants that?) I am here to partner with you so that together we can look at your overall health picture and troubleshoot our way through this incredible, 30-foot-long system. (Did I mention that I’m a total gut nerd?)

No more late-night googling and getting overwhelmed with a sea of information. Let’s create personalized gut health solutions that work for YOU and YOUR body.


 Fun facts

  • In my twenties, I traveled the world as a cruise ship crew member and stepped foot on over 30 countries, including Komodo Island!

  • I was born and raised in the Eastern part of Germany until I was a teenager. I lived through the wall coming down in ‘89 and the subsequent reunification, and I have many tales to tell about this time in history. (Gosh, I sound old now.) 

  • I am an avid advocate for my daughter who is neurodiverse, living with dyscalculia (a learning disability) and ADHD. I spend countless hours a day on the latest research, building awareness at her school, and helping her feel valued as the uniquely talented kid she is. She is an incredible artist and free thinker who teaches me so many lessons. 

  • I love living my life in harmony with nature and firmly grounded in my small farmland community where I can cook at least two meals a day from local, whole foods, grow fresh herbs and veggies in my garden, and watch incredible sunsets over the Cascades. Life is good.


Let’s connect

Ready to prioritize your health and achieve the peace and ease around food that you’ve been missing?

Check out my coaching options and book a free discovery call!