welcome to Achieve Health

Personalized dietary and lifestyle strategies to support your gut health

…so YOU can be the driver of achieving optimal health!


Download my free guide

The Human Microbiome:

The Garden in Your Gut

Snag my free PDF guide to understand the important role your microbiome plays in your health, and how to support it in optimal health.

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Welcome to Achieve Health Coaching!

I’m Silvana Schulz-Brown, a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach specializing in Gut Health. I’m here to give you the tools, personalized nutrition support, and 1:1 guidance to finally point the needle of your health in the right direction. 


I know what it’s like to be stuck in a cycle of poor health.

You’re tired of waking up and wondering if your stomach is going to sabotage your day. You’ve seen multiple doctors and specialists but optimal digestive health is a gap that holds you back.

As part of your healthcare team, I will help you understand the “how” and the “why” behind your gut health challenges and create personalized strategies that lead to real healing in your body. It’s time to fill your cup so you can have the vibrancy and energy to keep going for yourself and others. 


how I can help

You deserve to experience your best health.


Wading through the vast sea of nutrition advice and figuring out what’s best for your body isn’t easy. My gut-first approach gives you the tools and bio-individual support to address your unique health challenges and achieve your health goals.

The incremental, achievable action steps you take with me will help you understand the importance of optimal digestive health so you can better manage chronic health conditions, support healthy brain function, increase your energy, and finally feel confident making the right food choices for your unique body! 


The Achieve Gut Health Method

Finally understand the “how” and the “why” behind your gut health challenges and learn personalized strategies that lead to real healing in your body.

My signature program is designed to give you confidence around your food choices, and clear, achievable action steps so you can optimize your gut health. And gut health leads to overall health!

Words from clients

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Explore my offerings

Interested in personalized coaching? Learn about the two ways to work with me.



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Get the guide

Download my free microbiome guide to learn how to nurture optimal gut health at home.